Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sub Vision: Re-checking Full-time Teaching

For the past several months, I am looking for any new view or interesting occurrence while substituting. I had few long terms assignments, one to three weeks long, and many daily jobs, mainly at good high schools, mostly close to home, in many cases at schools that I know, and for teachers I identify, but nothing seems to change my mind of the likelihood of becoming an effective teacher.

I keep asking myself; would I be able to do things better next time around? 
Working at different classrooms I observe what other teachers do, how they handle discipline, how they make sure students are on task, and how they verify their knowledge, and I still can’t see an effective way to do a good job.

With an average of forty students in class, no assistants at the General-Ed track, lack of students’ motivation to succeed, absence of bar to meet, minimal parents involvement, or even care, and with budget cuts to all the support staff, there is just no way to succeed; no way to achieve real academic results, no way to motivate, or to compel, students to strive to a goal.

I am in good schools, with excellent staff, fine student body, and yet I don’t feel I could be successful as a teacher, and worse, that any of the other teachers meet my definition of success. Some of them are effective with some of the students, yet the majority of the student population is still untouched by the light …